No to Racism - Washington Monument
No to Racism - Washington Monument


Whites Contribute ~ People of Color Distribute

Ending systemic racism is in your hands. Join us in breaking the cycle of inequality, starting here.

This is a revolution of the ready.

We gather resources from the white community by revealing how society gives it advantages others don't have.

We don't want guilt, we want unearned extras.

Our difference is, People of Color distribute those resources as they see fit.

Change happens when those affected can make it.

501(c)3 EIN: 88-4003090

If you think meeting ONE racial justice charity, means you've met them ALL... Racial Fairness Berkshires

We don't just ask for resources, we educate the white community about why it has those extra resources. How those unasked for advantages society bestows tip the scales for whites, and disadvantage minorities.

Once they give those resources - money, goods, services - out of a newfound understanding & no guilt, they're distributed by a committee entirely made up People of Color. Who else could know where the resources are needed?

501(c)3 EIN: 88-4003090